
Why Do Illnesses Appear in Our Life?

Many do ask themselves, why kids are born ill or with some “defects”, some classify this as punishment from God others are blaming themselves, none of the less the effect is similar. Parents fill guilty or they become angry at Higher forces, on God, this way making their journey even worse. However, there are parents and children who have learned to accept this as it is, and once their acceptance came, life opened up to them in brighter colors, and things started going better.

The health of people and kids depends on several factors. First of all, kids born ill are a challenge, a karmic test for parents, and depending on their actions and reactions life changes in the better or tougher scenario. Both child and parents agreed to experience this before they were born. These souls need this valuable experience in their baggage.

Secondly, your unworked karma is passed on further to your children, it can be karma from the past life, but again all this was planned and agreed upon beforehand. The ancestry hands its “leftover” karma passing it from generation to generation. The life star matrix reveals the main karmic tasks from your mother’s and father’s ancestry line and the heritage you receive.

Once you manage the ancestry karma well and pass the necessary challenges you are awarded with strong support and protection of your ancestors and this is a life-changing moment.

Countries hold as well specific karma that lays on people born in that region. The nations face challenges that generations ago have failed to accomplish and still live in the same patterned thinking. Like cultural patterned thinking that goes against humanity, equality, creativity and so on.

Health issues start, once a person is going blindly in the wrong direction, and repeatedly makes wrong decisions. When the person lives in illusion and lies to himself, betraying himself.  

Health issues can come from different karmic tests including from the ancestry, from past life lessons you choose to neglect over and over again, as well as the current karmic lessons you are faced with repeated times.

People pay for their mistakes, most often first with their money, then with their health. However, it can be both at the same time.

Why does this happen?

Karma needs to put you thinking, needs to refocus your attention from unnecessary things, and events. Karma needs to reset you, so that you stop living in the vicious cycle, and think for a few about what is happening. It makes you start acting differently, it wants to warn you and make you change your way towards the correct path. At some certain moment, you realize you were wasting your precious time and energy on unworthy things, events, actions and reactions.

Focusing yourself to right direction is rewarding you with good health, good events, material abundance, and open creativity flow, you attract good people around and start making the right choices.

The life star matrix reveals to you the life lessons you will encounter in general in your life and as well it can tell you for every age what lessons and challenges you will be put through. Using this knowledge can actually enhance your life, you will have fewer unexpected events and you be prepared for what is coming. You will be able to turn the events to happen in your favor, if your will have full awareness, act and react in a positive manner. Using the personal year forecasting method helps us to understand what life is expecting from you, what you need to pay more attention to.

Awareness is the biggest tool that we have, it guides us towards the right direction.

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