Religion vs Spirituality

I am a “believer” that there was no day that I would doubt God does exist. However when it comes to church I always felt discomfort inside, something felt wrong.

My family’s religion is orthodox and when I first saw in an American movie how everyone sits nicely, I was surprised and instantly thought about why we don’t have this in our churches. Both orthodox and catholic are Christian religions but look how much they are different. Not only in how the church is run but there are a lot of “rules” and church canons that are much different but at the same time they are both based on the belief in Jesus Christ, the Trinity, and so on.

Thus, people have to realize that religions are created by men; built upon the manuscripts “dictated by higher forces”. However, the interpretation of the text, of information passed on to people is distorted from the original source. These manuscripts were and are used to control and manipulate masses, and entire countries which at first sight is very scary. Religion imposes a set of rules, and limitations bringing the concept of punishment, division, and putting people in fear. Since the level of spiritual development was so low in the past ages, religion was a necessary tool that higher forces, God let flourish for humanity to have a more ‘efficient’ experience obtained on earth.

Spirituality is the next level, is the belief in yourself in being a particle of GOD, being able to co-create and manifest positively.  Spirituality has no rules and limitations, it is based on love, not fear. It encourages you to trust your heart and follow it wherever it may lead you. Spirituality unites us, reminding us that we are one, there are no races, no difference between genders, no borders, and no cultural differences, we all bleed red.

Spirituality encourages you to create your own stories and to follow your own path. This is a journey of self-discovery of enlightenment and only you set the limitations.

Religion is the belief in someone else’s experience while spirituality is allowing you to have your own experience.

The main thing that everyone should realize is that religion promotes punishment and fear instead of promoting love, creativity, equality, abundance, and joy. Fear is the best tool for manipulation, limitation, and control however there are reasons behind all this, which I’ll reveal below.

Fear blocks manifestation and that is a way to protect younger souls from harming themselves, however for an evolved soul fear means you can’t control your reality, you are taken the control. Your energy goes where your attention goes.

We should be grateful to religion as it is like the humanity shepherd, especially in those dark ages. Most religions do help those young souls from doing dreadful deeds, limiting them with fear of sins, being sent to hell etc, otherwise, these young souls would have no limits in doing dark things just for fun.

Think what some unmatured soul can do if they will know there are no sins, and no punishment they will tend to play God, and do bad things to people and themselves. Due to the fact that their spirit has a weak connection to their soul and body and with fewer life experiences, he does not realize their wrongs, he can be like a monkey walking with a grenade in the middle of people. He will tend to be in negative manifestation declaring it as it’s a way of being as normal, “I’m like this, what I can do? “. He thinks there is nothing that he can change about himself almost directly affirming he is not in control of his own body and mind.

Often religion places females as sinners from the very birth, there are religions where mothers and sisters are treated like slaves or servants, worshiping men as the only worthy. However, men’s existence is entirely dependent on both genders, we cannot exist without one another. We are all seeds of God and there should be no difference between genders. There is a reason for this as well, it is not an accident.

We came to have certain lessons in this life and these men define themselves closer to God, in their next life incarnation they will be women in a similar situation, oppressed, limited, and treated like a lower kind of being. This will make their soul remember the painful experience and the strong imbalance of gender treatment. The women born in such families in those oppressing religions need to have these experiences for their souls, this was one of the soul’s goals. These experiences will not stop until people will have enough of this experience and will obtain an innate feeling we are one, we are the same, God loves us equally. There are no sins, there are just challenges we happen to fail from time to time.

Karma in spirituality is the precious tool that helps us, and guides us on the spiritual path, karma for religion is the punishment tool, to fear for.

Does God want us to be in fear? Ask yourself this question. What is the purpose of our existence, and why we are sent here on earth? Are we born with the purpose to be punished, controlled, manipulated, and limited in our actions, and experiences or we come here on earth to evolve and extend our knowledge, experience the multitude of life events, and emotions, discovering the world and our inner beauty?

I am deeply grateful to religions and we all should be, for young souls religion is their guidance, a blessing on their path but for an evolved soul religion is a limitation, like being a chicken – a bird that can fly but not high and not far.

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