
The Karmic Laws

What you reap, you sow. Is the main law of Karma the law of cause and effect. Around this is built all the karmas’ perception but karma comprises of a lot more than that.

You are the creator of the events in your life, from the energy of thought transforming it into the matter, simply, you are creating your life. You want a new dress, you go and buy it, or you take some fabric and sew it yourself. Every day we are creating something. Even small things can have a big impact on our life. Every decision and every step of the way is your creation.

There is no fixed destiny, you are the creator of your life. Doing something is better than doing nothing. Which is the law of Creation.

Understanding how the world is made, the Universe’s law is one of the biggest assets that was poorly known, until recently. Even now, not every human realizes this during their life. Subconsciously we know it all, since the soul has all this information but not everyone has a strong connection with their soul.

Everything that happens with you is fair, you have signed up for the specific experience before incarnation. You agreed and there is no randomness in life scenarios that happen.

There is no perfection in this world. The world and people were meant to be imperfect, it is our development field, and otherwise, this is a pointless mission of your soul, to take a ride in the physical world for a laugh? I don’t think so, it is The Law of humility.

Controlling others is what we always are tempted to do. Eventually, we come here to learn control ourselves instead. Controlling our actions, emotions, and reactions is the Law of growth. Can’t advance further without self-control.

Just stop trying to control people or things around you. Instead, become aware if you change your thinking and acting, people’s attitudes will change regarding yourself, events will start to turn in your favor.

Therefore, the choices you make lead you to certain events, the vibrations you put in it will eventually bring you the results and you have the full responsibility for these, as they are the child of your actions.  We always are responsible for our children. Therefore, this is the law of responsibility.

Everything in the Universe is connected. Every step leads to the next one, and so on. None of the steps are of bigger importance, they are equally important and play a role in the final result.  Thus past, present, and future are all connected.

Who you are today is the result of your previous actions, and who you will be tomorrow will be the result of your actions today.  This is the law of connection.

Focusing on too many things at once can slow you down and bring you in negativity, like frustration. That is the reason why the law of focus encourages you to concentrate just on one thing at a time. If you focus on higher values like love, gratitude, then you’ll be less inclined to generate negative feelings like anger, resentment or greed.

If you want to live in a harmonious environment, you need to focus on cultivating harmony and peace in your thoughts and around yourself. This is the Law of Giving and Hospitality.

Living in the Here and Now is another of karma’s laws. You cannot be in the here and now if you are looking backward to examine, to judge what was in past or look just forward and worry about the future. All these prevent you from living here and now. Living here and now is actually the scale.

If you have events that happen repeatedly, there is a certain experience, you need to achieve and these events stop, once you finally do something different about it. Be it you change your attitude towards it, or you act different from the previous times, or you do the opposite from how you usually deal in those certain situations. This is the law of Change.

Nevertheless, how comes we do good and it is not coming as soon as probably the bad things come? There is no such thing as bad karma coming faster and good karma coming in late. There are sometimes certain events and even certain life lessons which you need to go through before you receive the actual “fruit of your labor” be it negative or positive, it does not matter. This is the law of patience and reward. Give time for good things to happen, trust the universe, and believe in yourself.

Every person has its own path and your soul directs you, thus each person brings to the world something, as during our life we create, be it in physical form, emotional or energetic. You have been born with a specific mission, and purpose that only you can bring into the world, everyone is unique and important. You’re here to genuinely share your skills, knowledge, gifts. This is the law of significance and inspiration.

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