What is Karma?

Everyone heard about Karma and often people associate it with cause and effect and punishment.  Many do use this word a lot but never know the actual meaning and just make assumptions. Nevertheless, where does Karma comes from?  

Karma is one of the Universe’s Laws, the universe’s boomerang, whatever you send out there in the world it comes back to you. If you send good vibes you receive good things back, except you will not credit karma for it, you often will not make a link among these events, unless they are bad events. This is why often people associate with God’s punishment.

However, Karma is a gift to us, is the Universe’s balance, the instrument that helps people guide them towards their spiritual growth.

Karma is the guide that helps humans on their path, the good and bad events are just signs, if you are on right path or you are doing something wrong, and need to find the right direction.

So, in essence, Karma is our greatest tool for our personal development, it is the tool that helps us through our self-development, through self-awareness to discover our true soul’s goals for this incarnation.

Everything is vibrating, emitting energy, including thoughts and emotions, which are energy in motion. Everything you do creates a matching vibration that comes back to you in some form, be it in physical or emotional.

Everything you do creates either a positive or a negative consequence.

Once you realize this and become aware of it, you start to become more mindful of your thoughts, actions, reactions, and deeds before you make decisions.

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